Multi-Channel Clutter Modeling, Analysis, and Suppression for Missile-borne Radar Systems

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IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
When a missile-borne radar system works in downward-looking surveillance mode, the broadened ground clutter signal in virtue of platform high-speed motion will be received by the radar receiver, which will cause difficulty in moving target detection and attacking. Unlike airborne and spaceborne platforms, a missile-borne platform exhibits some unique motion characteristics, such as diving, spinning, and coning, causing the clutter space-time distribution property significantly different from those of airborne and spaceborne radar platforms. In addition, the forward target striking requirements make the missile-borne clutter space-time spectrum further exhibit the severe range-dependent property. To deal with these issues, accurate motion modeling of a missile-borne radar platform is firstly carried out in this paper, where the complex platform motions including forward-looking diving, spinning, and coning are considered. Then, the autocorrelation processing combined with Iterative Adaptive Approach (IAA) is applied to estimate the clutter angle-Doppler center frequencies, so as to effectively realize the clutter non-stationary compensation along spatial and temporal directions. Finally, a time-domain sliding window based subspace projection (TSWSP) method is proposed to achieve the robust clutter suppression. Both simulation and real-measured radar data processing results are presented to validate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed algorithm.
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Clutter, Spaceborne radar, Radar clutter, Spinning, Missiles, Doppler radar, Doppler effect
P. Huang, H. Yang, Z. Zou, X. -G. Xia and G. Liao, "Multi-Channel Clutter Modeling, Analysis, and Suppression for Missile-borne Radar Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, doi: 10.1109/TAES.2022.3147136.