CADSR Transportation

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This collection provides technical reports that analyze, among other things, factors which influence the need and distribution of transportation services, costs and benefits of advanced public transportation systems, travel demand, limitations of regression-based trip generation models, and routing strategies to improve transit service. The reports in this collection also examine maintenance costs and budgets together with the condition of transportation facilities and level of service provided. Others report aggregated data about individuals and the trips they make, the costs and benefits of travel modes, as well as identify actual speeds and travel times on Delaware’s roads. This collection provides valuable performance measures that can be used for transportation operations and planning.

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Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 35
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    Delaware Trip Monitoring System Survey (DTMS) Summary Report for Calendar Year 2022
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2023-05) Gross, Rebecca
    Since 1995, the Delaware Trip Monitoring System (DTMS) Survey has been conducted by the University of Delaware’s Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR). As part of the Delaware Statewide Model Improvement Project, DTMS is an ongoing survey conducted annually to gather information about the weekday travel behaviors and preferences of adults across the state of Delaware. The survey began initially to update the Delaware Department of Transportation’s (DelDOT) trip generation models and takes the place of trip diaries used in the past. Demographic data is compiled for each respondent and public opinion on transportation issues is also obtained. This data is used to determine current and future transportation needs and services in Delaware.
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    Delaware Trip Monitoring System Survey (DTMS) Summary Report for Calendar Year 2021
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2023-09) Gross, Rebecca
    Since 1995, the Delaware Trip Monitoring System (DTMS) Survey has been conducted by the University of Delaware’s Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR). As part of the Delaware Statewide Model Improvement Project, DTMS is an ongoing survey conducted annually to gather information about the weekday travel behaviors and preferences of adults across the state of Delaware. The survey began initially to update the Delaware Department of Transportation’s (DelDOT) trip generation models and takes the place of trip diaries used in the past. Demographic data are compiled for each respondent and public opinion on transportation issues is also obtained. This data is used to determine current and future transportation needs and services in Delaware.
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    DELDOT Research Summary
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2023-09-25) Racca, David P.
    This research conducted numerous efforts to develop information resources that can support traffic and travel demand data collection, management, processing, integration, and presentation.
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    Proposed Change in Delivery Format For Traffic Counts
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2021-06-24) Racca, David P.
    Typically, venders have provided Intersection and travel way count data most often in PDF document formats. Geographical information systems (GIS) and network modeling software use data in tabular and database formats. This then requires that PDF documents be restructured to create a format that is more readily used by automated analysis and processing, which is time consuming, and sometimes requires data to be manually input to form database records. A minor change in specification for delivery of traffic count products, involving how locations are referenced and guidelines on organization of traffic count spreadsheets, could be made available, and would introduce minimal, if any, additional work for venders. Online resources can be easily provided to facilitate a much improved, immediate incorporation of traffic count data into GIS and other analysis software. This memo discusses the issue and proposes new formats that may be used by vendors to deliver data in a more usable format, and touches on the importance of traffic movements as a fundamental element of transportation information systems.
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    How Many "Stroad Miles" Does Delaware Have?
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2023-03) Racca, David P.
    This talk will include discussion of the stroad concept, how it might be defined, and the location and extent of stroads in Delaware.
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    Estimating Accessibility to Destinations Offered By Transit
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2022-09-15) Racca, David P.
    There is an increasing need to examine transportation needs and services at the community level. General estimates of transit service such as, “within a quarter mile of a bus stop” do not capture trip characteristics with respect to where people want to go. Using the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS), which captures the current transit schedules, stop to stop travel times were examined and mapped to describe service to local communities.
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    Integration of Traffic and Travel Demand Data in Delaware
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2022-08-31) Racca, David P.
    Transportation performance measures from many sources are integrated using a set of road network and graphic elements locationally referenced to identifiers from standard linear referencing systems. Data from DelDOT Bluetooth sensors, NPMRDS, TMC devices, traffic counts, ATRs, intersection counts, and other data were compiled and integrated. In a similar way, the approach incorporates travel demand modeling estimates and relates them to measures. Such performance measures are always referenced to specific collection dates and times so it is critical for integration that the time dimension of measures and estimates be managed and consolidated. Efforts made to array measures through time of day and season are discussed.
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    Examination of Streetlight Data
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2022-06-15) Racca, David P.
    Web based data analysis sites could have a very large impact on transportation planning and data development. Estimates can be performance data such as volumes and speeds, but also travel demand information since trip estimates going into and out of various land uses can be produced. Streetlight and products like it are very promising and could change the way we get transportation information. The big question is how close to reality estimates might be. An excellent application of the traffic and travel demand data compiled in this project is the evaluation of Streetlight data, where streetlight data can be compared to other measures. A first look at the Streetlight estimates is discussed below.
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    Processing Of Delaware TMC Raw Bluetooth Data
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2022-02-08) Racca, David P.
    The Delaware Department of Transportation (DELDOT) Traffic Management Center (TMC) has been active over the last 6 years in developing a Blue Tooth monitoring system that at present includes close to 250 sensors located on major travel ways. Work focused on the identification and processing of years 2016 thru 2020 data, provided courtesy of the TMC, as part of and supported by DelDOT’s yearly research program. This document describes the processing, products developed, and examples of the use of products.
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    Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Analysis
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2019-11) Racca, David P.
    In research sponsored by the Delaware Center for Transportation and DelDOT, traffic crashes involving injuries to pedestrian or bicyclists between the years of 2012 and 2016 were studied. Tabulations and maps of related factors were produced and reviewed as a starting point and are discussed here and in the body of the report. Data that could be useful to determine pedestrian and bicyclist activity levels were investigated so as to better understand the number of accidents that occur, the relative safety of current locations, the level of interaction between pedestrians, cyclists, and motor vehicles, and what might be appropriate safety measures. Approaches to estimating risk and exposure, and pedestrian activity were researched and available data for Delaware was investigated and related to observed crashes. This report includes numerous maps as an approach to isolating hot spots that could lead to mitigation projects. For instance in the City of Wilmington there are a few street blocks that have more crashes. Mapping can also show where crashes are occurring at a lower rate than expected, and in such areas, further investigation may provide some insight for safety initiatives.
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    Development of a Statewide Travel Speed Survey
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2013-09) Racca, David P.
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    An Investigation of Routing Strategies To Improve Transit Service
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 1998-07) Racca, David P.
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    Project Report for "Directions in Transportation Data Management"
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 1999-12) Racca, David P.
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    Presentation of Travel Demand and Relationships to Land Use
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2001-02) Racca, David P.
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    Project Report for "Factors That Affect and/or Can Alter Mode Choice"
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2004-03) Racca, David P.; Ratledge, Edward C.
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    Project Report for Property Value/Desirability Effects of Bike Paths Adjacent to Residential Areas
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2006-11) Racca, David P.; Dhanju, Amardeep
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    Examination of GIS and Current Infromation System Plans and Responsibilities
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2006-11) Racca, David P.
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    Project Report for "Estimating Modal Splits"
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2005-11) Racca, David P.
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    Delaware Trip Monitoring System Survey 2008
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2009-12) Racca, David P.; Ratledge, Edward C.
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    A Summary of the Delaware Trip Monitoring System Survey For Kent County, Years 1997 to 2006
    (Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research, 2008-10) Racca, David P.