Iterative Implementation Method for Robust Target Localization in a Mixed Interference Environment
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IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
For the problem of target localization under the multipath propagation environment, the existing methods are mainly restricted to the limited prior information of complex reflections, especially when the target is embedded in a mixed interference environment. They may suffer from performance degradation due to the shortage of target classification ability. To address this problem, we propose a target localization method based on iterative implementation with semi-unitary constraint and eigen-decomposition technique, where a practical propagation scenario based on the spherical earth model is considered. Compared to the previous works, the proposed method can automatically distinguish a real target from the mixed interference environment with improved localization accuracy. Neither additional decorrelation preprocessing nor prior information of the dynamic scenario is required. Both simulations and real data experiments validate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.
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Complex multipath propagation, direction of arrival (DOA) estimation, mixed interference, semi-unitary constraint, target classification and localization
Y. Liu, X. -G. Xia, H. Liu, A. H. T. Nguyen and A. W. H. Khong, "Iterative Implementation Method for Robust Target Localization in a Mixed Interference Environment," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3131327.