Observation of nonlinear planar Hall effect in magnetic-insulator–topological-insulator heterostructures

Author(s)Wang, Yang
Author(s)Mambakkam, Sivakumar V.
Author(s)Huang, Yue-Xin
Author(s)Wang, Yong
Author(s)Ji, Yi
Author(s)Xiao, Cong
Author(s)Yang, Shengyuan A.
Author(s)Law, Stephanie A.
Author(s)Xiao, John Q.
Date Accessioned2022-12-15T18:51:30Z
Date Available2022-12-15T18:51:30Z
Publication Date2022-10-10
DescriptionThis article was originally published in Physical Review B. The version of record is available at: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.155408
AbstractInterfacing topological insulators (TIs) with magnetic insulators (MIs) have been widely used to study the interaction between topological surface states and magnetism. Previous transport studies typically interpret the suppression of weak antilocalization or appearance of the anomalous Hall effect as signatures of the magnetic proximity effect (MPE) imposed to TIs. Here, we report the observation of the nonlinear planar Hall effect (NPHE) in Bi2Se3 films grown on MI thulium and yttrium-iron-garnet (TmIG and YIG) substrates, which is an order of magnitude larger than that in Bi2Se3 grown on nonmagnetic gadolinium-gallium-garnet (GGG) substrate. The nonlinear Hall resistance in TmIG/Bi2Se3 depends linearly on the external magnetic field, while that in YIG/Bi2Se3 exhibits an extra hysteresis loop around zero field. The magnitude of the NPHE is found to scale inversely with carrier density. We speculate that the observed NPHE is related to the MPE-induced exchange gap opening and out-of-plane spin textures in the TI surface states, which may be used as an alternative transport signature of the MPE in MI/TI heterostructures.
SponsorThis work was supported by the U.S. DOE, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-SC0016380 and by NSF DMR Grant No. 1904076. Y.-X.H. and S.A.Y. were supported by Singapore NRF Grant No. CRP22-2019-0061. C.X. was supported by the UGC/ RGC of Hong Kong SAR (Grant No. AoE/P-701/20). The authors acknowledge the use of the Materials Growth Facility (MGF) at the University of Delaware, which was partially supported by the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation under Grant No. 1828141 and UD-CHARM, a National Science Foundation MRSEC, under Award No. DMR-2011824.
CitationWang, Yang, Sivakumar V. Mambakkam, Yue-Xin Huang, Yong Wang, Yi Ji, Cong Xiao, Shengyuan A. Yang, Stephanie A. Law, and John Q. Xiao. “Observation of Nonlinear Planar Hall Effect in Magnetic-Insulator–Topological-Insulator Heterostructures.” Physical Review B 106, no. 15 (October 10, 2022). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.155408.
PublisherPhysical Review B
TitleObservation of nonlinear planar Hall effect in magnetic-insulator–topological-insulator heterostructures
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