Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Breckinridge Long, Washington.

Author(s)Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
Temporal1941 April 07en_US
Date Accessioned2011-06-15T18:21:53Z
Date Available2011-06-15T18:21:53Z
Publication Date1941-04-07en_US
DescriptionSituation in Cuba developing satisfactorily; has accomplished major tasks, but difficult to do so without appearing to meddle in Cuba's internal affairs; still much to be done; Cubans prepared to cooperate with U.S. 100 percent in matters of defense; Communists represent only real danger, and party may be legally dissolved soon; has read scurrilous articles in P.M.; apparently few took the articles seriously, but such malicious libel should not go unpunished; apparently some people in fairly high places in U.S. still think Germany could win war and U.S. would be in no danger; attitude of Vatican equivocal; Catholic clergy in Latin America are generally pro-Fascist and are badly informed.en_US
Physical MediumTyped Letter Copy, 3 p.en_US
CollectionMSS 109en_US
Other Identifier1452-00en_US
PublisherUniversity of Delaware Library, Museums and Pressen_US
KeywordsMessersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
TitleMessersmith, G.S., Havana. To Breckinridge Long, Washington.en_US
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