Laboratory Investigation of Track Gauge Widening
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American Railway Engineering Association
This paper presents the results of a series of track gauge widening tests conducted at the Association of American Railroad's Track Structures Dynamic Test Facility. The tests investigated the gauge widening behavior of conventional track structure under various combinations of vertical, lateral and longitudinal loads. The effect of single axle vs dual-axle loading and static vs dynamic lateral loading were also examined. The tests indicated that under loading representative of that imposed by traffic, significant widening of the track gauge can occur. It was further observed that the level of damage to the tie-fastener interface can be measured and evaluated by means of gauge widening type testing and that the potential exists for conducting "nondestructive" gauge widening tests in service track.
Gauge widening, Nondestructive Gauge Widening, Track structure
Zarembski, A. M., & Choros, J., “Laboratory Investigation of Track Gauge Widening”, Bulletin of the American Railway Engineering Association, Bulletin 676, Volume 81, January-February 1980.