Static coded illumination strategies for low-dose x-ray material decomposition

Author(s)Cuadros, Angela P.
Author(s)Restrepo, Carlos M.
Author(s)Noël, Peter
Author(s)Arce, Gonzalo R.
Date Accessioned2022-03-16T19:58:22Z
Date Available2022-03-16T19:58:22Z
Publication Date2022-01-20
DescriptionCopyright 2022 Optica Publishing Group. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibited. This article was originally published in Applied Optics. The version of record is available at: This article will be embargoed until 01/20/2023.en_US
AbstractStatic coded aperture x-ray tomography was introduced recently where a static illumination pattern is used to interrogate an object with a low radiation dose, from which an accurate 3D reconstruction of the object can be attained computationally. Rather than continuously switching the pattern of illumination with each view angle, as traditionally done, static code computed tomography (CT) places a single pattern for all views. The advantages are many, including the feasibility of practical implementation. This paper generalizes this powerful framework to develop single-scan dual-energy coded aperture spectral tomography that enables material characterization at a significantly reduced exposure level. Two sensing strategies are explored: rapid kV switching with a single-static block/unblock coded aperture, and coded apertures with non-uniform thickness. Both systems rely on coded illumination with a plurality of x-ray spectra created by kV switching or 3D coded apertures. The structured x-ray illumination is projected through the objects of interest and measured with standard x-ray energy integrating detectors. Then, based on the tensor representation of projection data, we develop an algorithm to estimate a full set of synthesized measurements that can be used with standard reconstruction algorithms to accurately recover the object in each energy channel. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed cost-effective solution to attain material characterization in low-dose dual-energy CT.en_US
SponsorUniversity of Delaware (Blue Hen POC, UNIDEL); National Science Foundation (CIF 1717578).en_US
CitationAngela P. Cuadros, Carlos M. Restrepo, Peter Noël, and Gonzalo R. Arce, "Static coded illumination strategies for low-dose x-ray material decomposition," Appl. Opt. 61, C107-C115 (2022)en_US
PublisherApplied Opticsen_US
TitleStatic coded illumination strategies for low-dose x-ray material decompositionen_US
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