Early Diagenesis And Chemical Mass Transfer In Lake Erie Sediments

Author(s)Matisoff, Gerald
Author(s)Fisher, J. Berton
Author(s)Lick, Wilbert
Date Accessioned2005-07-29T14:49:14Z
Date Available2005-07-29T14:49:14Z
Publication Date1900
AbstractVertical profiles of pore water and sediment solids chemistry were obtained from two sites in Lake Erie. Samples were collected using both gravity coring and pore water "peeper" techniques. In general, concentrations of nutrients and toxic metals in sediment solids decreased with increasing depth. Comparison of pore water "peeper data to gravity core data showed that "peeper" data provides higher resolution near the sediment-water interface. Modifications of the present peeper are required to adequately sample easily oxidizable materials (e.g. ammonia, ferrous iron).en
Extent7846010 bytes
MIME typeapplication/pdf
Part of SeriesCⅇ62
KeywordsEarly Diagenesisen
KeywordsChemical Massen
KeywordsLake Erieen
TitleEarly Diagenesis And Chemical Mass Transfer In Lake Erie Sedimentsen
TypeTechnical Reporten