Transit-Oriented Design: Illustration of TOD Characteristics

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The recent interest in Transit-Oriented Design (TOD) in Delaware goes back to the mid-1990s when a study was commissioned by the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), in coordination with New Castle County, to review the literature and make recommendations for TOD in Delaware. That report, Transit Overlay Districts and Transit Friendly Design Standards for New Castle County, was completed in 1997. Since that time, the national research has continued, especially relating to effectiveness measures and successful implementation of TODs. Additionally, much progress has been made in Delaware, and conditions have changed since the 1997 study was completed. Some recommendations have been implemented. Although the transit system remains predominantly fixed-route bus, commuter rail has been instituted in New Castle County, with long-range plans to extend the rail service west into Maryland, and south to Middletown, Dover and eventually Sussex County. Over the past several years, the Institute for Public Administration at the University of Delaware has conducted a number of studies for DelDOT and New Castle County related to transportation and land use issues, including Mobility Friendly Standards: A Framework for Delaware (2004), Interconnectivity (2006), and Sidewalks and Shared-Used Trails: Safety, Security, and Maintenance (2007). This project follows previous efforts and updates the 1997 study. Part 1 defines what TOD is and why it is useful. Part 2 reviews the plethora of current research and recommendations related to the design of transit-oriented developments. Part 3 focuses on lessons learned from existing TODs and best practices for successful implementation. Part 4 describes visits to four nearby TODs with local community leaders and agency staff, including their recommendations. All the recommendations from the literature and visits are summarized in Part 5.
transit, TOD, oriented, design, development, commuter, rail, bus, mobility, transportation