Reservoirs in the United States
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U.S. Government Printing Office
This report summarized the storage capacities and related data of reservoirs and controlled natural lakes for the conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Data are given for all storage facilities having a usable capacity of 5,000 acre-feet or more and completed or under construction as of Jan. 1963.
A descriptive list of reservoirs in the United States completed as of Jan. 1, 1947, was first published (Geol. Survey Circular 23) in March 1948. In 1956 Water-Supply Paper 1360-A, "Reservoirs in the United States," by N.O. Thomas and G.E. Harbeck Jr., updated this listing and included lists of reservoirs completed or under construction as of Jan. 1, 1954. Some of the data shown for reservoirs constructed before 1954 may have been corrected herein on the basis of the latest available reservoir survey.
This report list 1562 reservoirs and lakes; their useable storage totals 359,360,000 acre-feet, and the corresponding surface area in 14,831,000 acres.
reservoirs, United States