From Here to Here: Teaching Interactions Between the Live and Virtual Self in Choreography

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University of Delaware Library, Museums & Press
This article focuses on teaching and learning about dance through the use of digital media. The overarching topic is the concept of self as situated in one’s cultural practices, and how this sense of self plays out in choreographic projects. The theoretical methodology that supports this work are two-fold and are illuminated in this paper: One, based on the Embodiment theory whereby the body is the generating center of experience that receives and sends information to and from the external world and is situated in culture. The second aspect is the choreographic practice with media creates an alternate live realm inclusive of the live and virtual body. All projects carry the concept of self which does not require an actual onscreen dancer, but rather a depiction of self. The primary directive is to integrate an image with live dance and that self carries significant conceptual weight which guides the process.
Babcock, M. (2018). From Here to Here: Teaching Interactions Between the Live and Virtual Self in Choreography. Dance: Current Selected Research, 9.