MSS 0097, Item 0044 - Journal of a whaling voiage [sic] in the Atlantic ocean on Board Schr Antarctic
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This logbook documents two Atlantic Ocean whaling voyages aboard the schooner Antarctic occurring between November 10, 1881, and July 11, 1884. The log primarily contains navigational data, weather reports, and notes about the health of the crew.
The log is a bound volume, circa 150 pages, filled with ink entries and pencil drawings of whales and parts of whales. There are many small illustrations of whales or parts of whales. According to the author, an illustration of an entire whale next to a day's entry indicates that a whale had been caught, while an illustration of only a fin indicates that a whale has been sighted or a whale already on board had been butchered. The account of the second journey begins on p. 110 of the volume. In the back of the volume, lists of provisions for the journey are recorded.