Recent Submissions
Item "Cosa magnífica y sangrienta": la crónica de José Martí sobre la "invasión" de Oklahoma(2010-12-30) Camacho, JorgeIn April 1889, Martí wrote one of his most passionate chronicles on the indigenous question in the United States. That same year, the US government had opened for colonization a piece of land in the heart of the Indian territories (what is today Oklahoma) and Martí was there-–metaphorically speaking--to capture the moment in full color. He wrote his chronicle as if he were an “eye-witness” to this event, but in reality he never visited Oklahoma and wrote his article after reading several newspapers that spoke about the incident at the time. In this essay I highlight Martí’s use of certain rhetorical devices in this chronicle to allow for this shift in perception (from ‘eye-witness’ to ‘testimony’), while at the same time, explaining how he criticizes the US government and takes side with the Indians. His criticism of the US however, does not mean that he stops advocating for American citizenship for those that were willing to give up their lands and accept the Dawes Act territorial reform. This contradiction, I believe, is at the center of Martí’s understanding of the Indian question.Item Mexico: A Nation at Risk(2010-12-30) Clemente, JudeMexico’s continued economic growth faces considerable obstacles. The country confronts an expanding population and vehicle fleet that will push the capacity of urban infrastructure even closer to the brink. Mexico has been a leading oil producer for decades, but this is being forced to change at a time when record revenues support social programs and help combat drug-related violence. Officials have a major chance at redemption looming on the horizon, however, as the manner in which Mexico responds to its oil crisis could very well determine the country’s fate.Item La deconstrucción de dos figuras maternas: la loca de la casa y Medea en Crímenes domésticos de Vanessa Vilches Norat(2010-12-30) Fuentes Rivera, Ada G.El orden y las tensiones del espacio íntimo y privado como la casa albergan significados controvertibles desde los cuales se pueden leer representaciones de la cultura, la familia y, muy particularmente, de la madre. Partir de lo conocido (la domesticidad familiar) para quebrar la cultura es lo que hace el texto de Vanessa Vilches Norat, Crímenes domésticos, de 2007. Desde su título, el lector se enfrenta a la violencia como signo definidor de su cultura. Sin embargo, dicha violencia no es la que abarrota los titulares de periódicos nacionales, sino una más sutil: la que se guarda detrás de la fachada de la casa, la no dicha, la escondida… la violencia que marca los cuerpos femeninos y los conforma. En este artículo me propongo examinar la figura de la madre en los relatos “Del hilo de su voz” y “Monstruosa sororidad”. El trabajo está dividido en tres secciones: introducción teórica y de contextualización; discusión del cuento “Del hilo de su voz” y finalmente, la discusión de “Monstruosa sororidad”.Item Uma obra meritória, humana e patriótica: faces do assistecialismo social na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina (1930-1950)(2010-12-30) Gonçalves Alves, IsmaelIn this article I intend to analyze the action normalizing realized by a group of Nuns contracted by the SESI – INDUSTRY SOCIAL SERVICE – of Santa Catarina (Brazil) to function as social workers with coal miners of the Criciúma area. This group of Nuns belonged to the Congregation Little Sisters of Divine Providence that settled in the city as requested by the City Hall and Coal Company Próspera I.C., with the intention to turn workers without skills in the urban/industrial environment into a model community capable of raising the productivity of the coal mines. Resumo: Neste artigo pretendo analisar as ações normalizadoras realizadas por um grupo de religiosas contratadas pelo SESI – Serviço Social da Indústria – de Santa Catarina (Brasil), para trabalhar na assistência social aos trabalhadores mineiros da região carbonífera de Criciúma. Este grupo de religiosas fazia parte da Congregação Pequenas Irmãs da Divina Providência que se instalaram na cidade a pedido da prefeitura municipal e da companhia mineradora Carbonífera Próspera S.A., com o intuito de transformar trabalhadores sem grandes experiências urbano-industriais em um exímio conjuntos de mãos capazes de elevar a produtividade das minas de carvão.Item Performing the Other: Indigenous Identity and Regional Resistance in Sonoran Literature of the 1980's(2010-12-30) Gordus, Andrew M.During the decade of the 1980’s there occurs a preoccupation, presence and notable change in the representation of the indígena in the cultural production of the State of Sonora. This articulation of a modified ethnic discourse is a product of the economic and social changes that impacted the region during this period. Through a detailed examination of three Sonoran writers we observe how this ethnic discourse leads to a reformulation the traditional images of the indígena and reflects the negotiation between local and national interests to determine the meaning of the region, its identity and its place within the nation.Item Lógicas conspirativas: desconfianzas mutuas e ideologías de la sospecha en la Argentina de la Presidente Kirchner(2010-12-30) Hortiguera, HugoEl siguiente trabajo parte de la representación que algunos sectores de la prensa gráfica argentina han venido haciendo de la figura presidencial de la Dra. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, con el fin de analizar, por un lado, la tensión y negociación permanente entre la lógica del “espacio de la decisión” (el sistema político) y su racionalidad estratégica y la lógica de los medios y su sistema de visibilidades (Dominique Wolton). Por otro lado, se propone estudiar cómo estas dos lógicas compiten por la propiedad y control del discurso público y sus significados y colaboran en la construcción de incertidumbres y en la producción de incredulidad en las instituciones públicas. En lo principal, el corpus textual está conformado por artículos de prensa e imágenes fotográficas publicados entre el 27 de agosto de 2007 y el 9 de diciembre del mismo año, en los matutinos Clarín y La Nación de Buenos Aires. El período de estudio está enmarcado (1) por el lanzamiento de la fórmula presidencial Cristina Fernández de Kirchner-Julio Cobos por el Frente para la Victoria (una facción del Partido Justicialista), finalmente ganadora en las elecciones de octubre de 2007 con un 45.3%, y (2) por la asunción al poder ejecutivo de la Dra. Cristina Fernández en diciembre de ese mismo año.Item Além da Geração Coca-Cola: o (inter)nacional e a redescoberta do Brasil no rock dos anos 80(2010-12-30) Santos Vieira de Jesus, DiegoResumo Tendo em vista que a elaboração de narrativas e contranarrativas em seus diversos gêneros traz à tona a dinâmica de definição espaço-temporal da cultura nacional, o objetivo do artigo é focar o embate entre projetos de construção e consolidação da identidade nacional e seus modos de resistência no contexto da música produzida no Brasil na década de 1980. O argumento principal aponta que o rock nacional, embora compartilhasse a crítica da MPB com relação às instituições político-econômicas domésticas, propunha-se a um diálogo mais intenso com outras culturas como a anglo-saxônica e permitia a desestabilização de tendências polarizantes que objetificam a diferença no nível internacional, proporcionando respostas aos desafios da interação com a diversidade por meio da auto-reflexão crítica e da aliança entre críticas sociais culturalmente diversas à desigualdade.Item Economic Modernization, Urbanization and the Rise of the Brazilian Feminist Press in Opposition to Authoritarian Politics(2010-12-30) Vassoler-Froelich, IvaniThe mid-1960s marked the beginning of profound political and socioeconomic transformations in Brazil. The regime change that resulted from the 1964 coup d’état was the starting point of a process of industrialization, mechanization of agriculture, expulsion of millions from the countryside and intense urbanization – all necessary conditions for the military government to launch its new model of economic development. The new economic model generated several distortions, particularly marked social inequalities and explosive growth of several metropolitan areas, but, inadvertently, it also promoted the opposition against authoritarianism in the form of a new urban working class with the presence of female workers in significant numbers. It is within this context of authoritarian politics, economic hardships and unplanned urbanization that a multiplicity of society groups started to mobilize politically in the 1970s. Lawyers, labor union leaders, neighborhood activists, and human rights advocates, with the support of the Catholic Church, organized protests against the military abuses demanding political openness and social justice. The popular resistance also included a variety of women’s groups, among them, female journalists whose opposition to the military is often neglected by the literature focusing on democratic transitions. This paper is an attempt to rescue the contributions made by the feminist press to ending the period of authoritarian politics in Brazil.Item Sobre "Adivinos del agua. Los itzaes en los discursos de identidad en Petén Central" por José Alejos García(2010-12-30) Corzo Márquez, Amílcar R.Item On "Comparative Latin American Politics" by Ronald M. Schneider.(2010-12-30) McConnell, Shelley A.