Dance: Current Selected Research

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Dance: Current Selected Research

ISSN: 0894-4849

ISBN: 0-404-63850-3 (series)

Edited by Lynnette Young Overby and Billie Lepczyk

Since 1989, Dance: Current Selected Research has presented manuscripts in the form of chapters, that have covered various aspects of the field of dance. Criteria for the consideration of manuscripts has included (1) original research on topics for which valid techniques in experimental, historical, ethnographic, movement analysis, or clinical research have been applied in the collection of data and with appropriate analytical treatment of data; (2) state-of-the art research reviews on topics of current interest with a substantial research literature base, or (3) theoretical papers presenting well formulated but as yet untested models. We also value community engaged and arts-based research.

About the Editors

LYNNETTE YOUNG OVERBY is a Professor of Theatre and Deputy Director of the University Community Engagement Initiative at the University of Delaware (UD). She earned her B.S. degree from Hampton University, M.A. in Dance Education from George Washington University and Ph.D. in Motor Development from the University of Maryland, College Park. She served as the UD founding Faculty Director for Undergraduate Research and Experiential Learning from 2008 - 2014. During her term as Faculty Director, Dr. Overby led a group of undergraduate research directors in establishing collaborative opportunities for research and service including, an annual Celebratory Symposium of undergraduate research and service, and a state wide Posters on the Green event. She is the author or coauthor of over 40 publications and eight books, has a record of over 100 major presentations and performances. Her contributions have earned her more than 20 state, district, and national awards and honors, including the 2000 National Dance Association Scholar/Artist, the 2004 Leadership Award from the National Dance Education Organization and the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Dance Education Organization. She is a strong believer in interdisciplinary education, and collaboration. Currently she is creating “Performing History” research projects with English Professor, P. Gabrielle Foreman. Lynnette’s 2012 Choreography, “Sketches: The Life of Harriet E. Wilson in Dance, Poetry and Music.” is based on research by P. Gabrielle Foreman, who edited Wilson’s 1859 book Our Nig. Their collaboration continued in 2014 with the premiere of “Dave the Potter” a multidisciplinary work designed to honor the history and creativity of an exceptional enslaved potter and poet, David Drake, through performance and poetry. The 2016 project “Same Story” Different Countries, extends the work to South Africa. The most recent project, Women of Consequence focused on women leaders in the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. Dr. Overby was selected as the 2018 Life Achievement Awardee for the National Dance Education Organization.

BILLIE LEPCZYK is Professor of Dance in the School of Performing Arts, member of the Academy of Teaching Excellence, and Catalyst Fellow of the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology at Virginia Tech. She earned her B.A. in Honors College from Michigan State University, and EdD from Columbia University where she was a Teachers College Fellow. She holds Dance Notation Bureau Certifications as Professional Notator, Laban Movement Analyst, and Labanotation Teacher. Her research includes movement profiles and analyses of vocabulary of classical ballet, Balanchine’s neoclassical style, and modern dance styles of Graham, Cunningham, Tharp, and the Pilobolus Dance Theatre. Through LMA she has deciphered the Seven Movements of Dancing that continues to be taught in ballet and Margaret H’Doubler’s Classification of Movement Qualities, a part of modern dance education. Lepczyk developed a general education course in creative dance that is innovative in that novice dancers and experienced dancers work together to create dances and floorplans are a component of each dance assignment. Her qualitative research studies have contributed to the understanding of the multiple facets of learning in a creative dance class. Currently her research focuses on transdisciplinary projects. Among her most prestigious honors are the Alumni Award for Research Excellence and the William E. Wine Teaching Award from Virginia Tech; and the Scholar/Artist Award and the University Dance Educator of the Year Award from the National Dance Association. Lepczyk is a Fellow and member of the Board of Trustees of the International Council of Kinetography Laban having served as its Chair for eight years and member of the Board of Directors of the Dance Notation Bureau and the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies.

Board of Reviewers

Loren Bucek, Ph.D. Dance Educator, Columbus, Ohio

Mary Lynn Babcock, Ph.D. Associate Professor, University of North Texas, Denton

Theresa Purcell Cone, Ph.D. Emeritus Associate Professor, Rowan University

Tina Curran, Ph.D. Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Austin

Sherry Goodill, Ph.D. Clinical Professor, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Jill Green, Ph.D. Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Judith Lynn Hanna, Ph.D. Affiliate Senior Research Scientist, University of Maryland, College Park

Colleen Hearn Dean, M.A. Dance Educator, Leesburg, Virginia

Karen Hubbard, M.A. Professor, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Germaine Ingram, J.D. Independent Scholar, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Julie Kerr-Berry, Ed.D. Professor and Director of Dance, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota

Lela Aisha Jones, Ph.D. Independent Movement Artist, Founder Flyground, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, Ph.D. Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Regina Miranda, M.Sc. CMA, CEO LABAN/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, New York City, New York

Anne-Thomas Moffett, M.F.A. Visting Assistant Professor of Dance, Washington College, Chestertown, MD

Edward Warburton, Ph.D. Professor and Associate Dean, University of California, Santa Cruz

Lynn Weber, M.S.E. Executive Director, Dance Notation Bureau, New York City, New York

Lisa Wilson, M.Ed. Assistant Professor, University of Cape Town, South Africa
