Master's Theses (Fall 2009 to Present)
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New submissions to the University of Delaware Master's Theses collection are added as they are released by the Graduate College. The Graduate College deposits all master's theses from a given semester after the official graduation date.
University of Delaware master’s theses submitted between 1980 - Summer 2009 are available online through Dissertations & Theses @ University of Delaware. Use the library catalog, DELCAT, to search for all print or microform copies of master's theses 1980 - 2009 that are NOT available in Dissertations & Theses @ University of Delaware because Dissertations & Theses @ University of Delaware does NOT contain the complete collection of University of Delaware master's theses.
Master’s theses in the Longwood Graduate Program in Public Horticulture (now known as the Longwood Fellows Program) submitted between 1970 - 2004 are available online.
More information is available at Dissertations & Theses.