Statistics for University of Delaware Institutional Respository

Total visits

Is the U.S. Heading for a Civil War? Scenarios for 2024-25 300
Animal and Food Science (PhD), Animal Science (MS), Food Science (MS) 261
AI in Healthcare Supply Chain Management: Enhancing Efficiency and Reducing Costs with Predictive Analytics 171
Authoring America: A Survey of American Literature from the Beginnings to 2020: An Open Anthology 147
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Business Operations in Bangladesh 138
Global luxuries at home: the material possessions of an elite family in eighteenth-century Minas Gerais, Brazil 105
Floodplain Buyouts: Challenges, Practices, and Lessons Learned 103
Authoring America: A Survey of American Literature from the Beginnings to 2020: An Open Anthology 97
Writing at Work: Introduction to Professional Writing 89
Water relations of plants and soils 86