Recycled Concrete Aggregate for Oyster Aquaculture

Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) of the chemical and biological effects must be understood to avoid potential adverse impacts to the bay’s aquatic ecosystem. RCA application as a base material for oyster reefs did not adversely affect oyster spat growth and survival, or the surrounding environment. Evaluated RCA leaching for petroleum byproducts showed that RCA as a base material for oyster reefs did not leach any hydrocarbon chemicals, and no water extractable SVOC were detected. The research found potential RCA application to the Chesapeake Bay watershed as a bottom conditioning material for oyster aquaculture. Overall, the findings support the use of RCA for oyster aquaculture.
This article was originally published in Waste. The version of record is available at: © 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
recycled concrete aggregate, oyster, recycling
Kang, Dong-Hee, James G. Hunter, and Anastasia Chirnside. 2024. "Recycled Concrete Aggregate for Oyster Aquaculture" Waste 2, no. 3: 201-217.