Predictors of non-stepping time in people with chronic stroke
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Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation
Sedentary time is an independent construct from active time. Previous studies have examined variables associated with sedentary time to inform behavior change programs; however, these studies have lacked data sets that encompass potentially important domains.
The purpose of this study was to build a more comprehensive model containing previously theorized important predictors of sedentary time and new predictors that have not been explored. We hypothesized that variables representing the domains of physical capacity, psychosocial, physical health, cognition, and environmental would be significantly related to sedentary time in individuals post-stroke.
This was a cross-sectional analysis of 280 individuals with chronic stroke. An activity monitor was used to measure sedentary (i.e. non-stepping) time. Five domains (8 predictors) were entered into a sequential linear regression model: physical capacity (6-Minute Walk Test, assistive device use), psychosocial (Activities Specific Balance Confidence Scale and Patient Health Questionnaire-9), physical health (Charlson Comorbidity Index and body mass index), cognition (Montreal Cognitive Assessment), and environmental (Area Deprivation Index).
The 6-Minute Walk Test (β = −0.39, p < .001), assistive device use (β = 0.15, p = .03), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (β = 0.16, p = .01), and body mass index (β = 0.11, p = .04) were significantly related to non-stepping time in individuals with chronic stroke. The model explained 28.5% of the variability in non-stepping time.
This work provides new perspective on which variables may need to be addressed in programs targeting sedentary time in stroke. Such programs should consider physical capacity, depressive symptoms, and physical health.
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation on 8/22/2022, available at: This article will be embargoed until 8/22/2023.
stroke, walking, physical activity, sedentary, depression, behavior change
Allison Miller, Kiersten McCartney, Tamara Wright & Darcy Reisman (2022) Predictors of non-stepping time in people with chronic stroke, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/10749357.2022.2114703