Geologic Map of the Frankford and Selbyville Quadrangles, Delaware
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Newark, DE: Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
The geological history of the surficial units of the Frankford and Delaware portion of the Selbyville Quadrangles was the result of deposition of the Beaverdam Formation during the late Pliocene and its subsequent modification by erosion and
deposition related to sea-level fluctuations during the Pleistocene. The geology at the land surface was then further modified by periglacial activity that produced dune deposits in the map area. Surficial geologic mapping was conducted using field maps at a scale of 1:12,000 with 2 foot contours. Stratigraphic boundaries drawn at topographic breaks reflect detailed mapping using contours not shown on this map.
Beaverdam Formation, Carolina Bay deposits, coastal geology, Cypress Swamp Formation, Dagsboro, dune deposits, fill, Frankford, Holocene, Ironshire Formation, lagoon deposits, Lynch Heights Formation, marsh deposits, modified land, Omar Formation, Quaternary Period, Scotts Corners Formation, Selbyville, shoreline deposits, Sinepuxent Formation, STATEMAP, surficial geology, swamp deposits, Pleistocene, Tertiary Period