Enhancing Hispanic Literature Courses with Large Language Models: The Power of AI Tools

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Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies
My current practice of incorporating AI tools into literature classes within the Latin American Studies branch provides versatile opportunities to develop engaging and meaningful exercises that inspire greater depth of creativity and critical thinking. AI tools allow students to take an active role in their learning and broaden their understanding of various literary traditions. Mi práctica actual de incorporar herramientas de IA en las clases de literatura dentro de la rama de Estudios Latinoamericanos brinda oportunidades versátiles para elaborar ejercicios atractivos y significativos que inspiran mayor profundidad en creatividad y pensamiento crítico. Las herramientas de IA permiten a los estudiantes asumir un papel activo en su aprendizaje y ampliar su comprensión de las diversas tradiciones literarias.
This article was originally published in Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies. The version of record is available at: https://doi.org/10.23870/marlas.469. © 2024 The Author. Published by the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies on the Latin American Research Commons (LARC) at http://www.marlasjournal.com. DOI: 10.23870/marlas.469
AI and education, AI and learning, critical thinking skills, LLMs, chatbots, AI and creativity, critical thinking, LLM, A y educación, IA y aprendizaje, pensamiento crítico, LLM, chatbots, IA y creatividad
McInnis Dominguez, Meghan. 2024. “Enhancing Hispanic Literature Courses with Large Language Models: The Power of AI Tools”. Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies 8 (1): 37-41. https://doi.org/10.23870/marlas.469.