Disaster Resistant Communities Initiative: Evaluation Of The Pilot Phase. Year 2
Nigg, Joanne M.
Riad, Jasmin K.
Wachtendorf, Tricia
Tierney, Kathleen J.
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This report summarizes findings from the second year of an ongoing project that focuses on the
implementation of Project Impact in the seven communities that were chosen as pilot sites for the
initiative. Assessments of the progress pilot cornrnunities had made by the end of the first year of
Project Impact funding were reported in August, 1998. That first year report found that pilot
communities had begun to develop a good understanding of PI’S partnership philosophy, that
hazard assessment activities were under way, and that focused mitigation projects had been
initiated. Among the potential problems that were identified were difficulties with motivating
private-sector organizations to become partners in the initiative and some lack of clarity about the
kinds of activities that constitute mitigation (as opposed to public education and preparedness).
Overall, DRC found that communities had begun making good progress toward encouraging
adoption of pre-disaster mitigation as a community wide goal, and that the kinds of difficulties
communities reported with embarking on PI were no more serious than those that can be
expected to accompany any new intergovernmental program partnership.
Project Impact, Risk, Partnerships, Mitigation, Vulnerability Activities