Matching Interventions to Reading Needs: A Case for Differentiation

Author(s)Jones, Jill S.
Author(s)Conradi, Kristin
Author(s)Amendum, Steven J.
Ordered AuthorJill S. Jones, Kristin Conradi, Steven J. Amendum
UD AuthorAmendum, Steven J.en_US
Date Accessioned2017-04-11T15:36:13Z
Date Available2017-04-11T15:36:13Z
Copyright DateCopyright © 2016 International Literacy Associationen_US
Publication Date2016-01-01
DescriptionAuthor's final draft after peer reviewen_US
AbstractThe purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of providing reading interventions that are differentiated and aligned with an individual student’s most foundational reading need. The authors present profiles of different readers and suggest three principal areas for support: decoding words, reading at an appropriate rate, and comprehending text. In addition to describing differentiated interventions, related classroom instructional techniques are also recommended.en_US
DepartmentUniversity of Delaware. School of Education.en_US
CitationJones, Jill S., Kristin Conradi, and Steven J. Amendum. "Matching Interventions to Reading Needs: A Case for Differentiation." The Reading Teacher 70.3 (2016): 307-316.en_US
DOIDOI: 10.1002/trtr.1513en_US
PublisherInternational Literacy Associationen_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.sourceThe Reading Teacheren_US
TitleMatching Interventions to Reading Needs: A Case for Differentiationen_US