George Maher's Rockledge: a study in architecture, patronage, and consumption

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University of Delaware
George Washington Maher was a Prairie School architect whose work has often been relegated to the sidelines of Prairie School scholarship. Although his work deviated from that of many of the other architects of this period, his work is worthy of examination and reevaluation. ☐ This paper presents an historical summary of Maher's career; and examines one of Maher's houses, Rockledge, in detail. By using the construction of Rockledge as a case study for Maher's career, greater insight was gained regarding Maher's working relationship with his clients, Grace and E. L. King. George Maher's work for the Kings demonstrates the changing face of American architecture during the early twentieth century, and also the changing relationship between architect and clients.
"Copyrighted materials in this document have not been filmed at the request of the author. They are available for consultation, however, in the author's university library. [Pages] 54-98"--unnumbered page inserted by UMI after page 53.