Integrating goal-setting and automated feedback to improve writing outcomes: a pilot study

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Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching
Purpose: This study presents results from a pilot intervention that integrated self-regulation through reflection and goal setting with automated writing evaluation (AWE) technology to improve students’ writing outcomes. Methods: We employed a single-group pretest-posttest design. All students in Grades 5–8 (N = 56) from one urban, all female, public-charter middle school completed pretest and posttest measures of writing beliefs and writing performance. In between pretest and posttest, students completed monthly goal-setting activities via a Qualtrics survey and monthly persuasive writing practice via prompts completed within an AWE system. Findings: Students improved their self-regulation as indicated by improved goal calibration and confidence to achieve their goals over time. They also improved their self-efficacy for writing self-regulation and writing performance between pre and posttest. Students also perceived the intervention to be usable, useful, and desirable. Originality: This is a unique study because we integrated AWE and goal-setting instruction, which has not previously been done. Positive findings indicate the promise of this innovative, feasible, and scalable technology-based writing intervention.
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching on 05/17/2022, available at: This article will be embargoed until 11/17/2023.
automated writing evaluation, automated feedback, writing technology, goal setting, self-regulation, educational technology implementation
Joshua Wilson, Andrew Potter, Tania Cruz Cordero & Matthew C. Myers (2022) Integrating goal-setting and automated feedback to improve writing outcomes: a pilot study, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2022.2077348