[Fodor, Marcell William], Brussels.

Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.
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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
2 copies. Memorandum on war situation. Thinks Goering's threats of action on Western front just threat at present; Mussolini playing axis games to counteract growing pro-Allies sentiment in Italy; he cannot commit himself to allied cause as this would limit claims he could make at future peace conference; meeting between Hitler and Mussolini on train at Brenner Pass reported; Russo-German relations cooling; Russia constructing fortifications on German-Russian frontier; shortage of iron ore and gasoline in Germany increasing; some plants had to be shut down; German hopes of transporting oil up Danube not likely to be realized; one large barge sunk in river could close navigation channel for weeks; Balkan Captains always available for money to do such acts of sabotage; supplies from Russia will hardly reach Germany this year; supplies from Dutch East Indies which Germans attempt to smuggle in through Vladivostok will take months to reach Germany; doubts Russia will be cooperative; next weeks critical.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.