Some Research Questions and Planning Implications Raised by Observations Made at a Flood Threat in Laredo, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, September 25, 1964

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Disaster Research Center
As a result of heavy rains in late September of up to five inches in parts of Southwest Texas, the Rio Grande Rives and its tributaries rose to flood or near-flood stage in Del Rio, Eagle Pass, and Laredo on the American side as well as in the Mexican towns of Villa Acuna, Piedras Negras, and Nuevo Laredo. Of paricular concern on Friday, September 25, 1964, was Laredo, Texas, where Weather Bureau and International Boundary and Water Commission officials predicted the water would rise to a 39-42.5 foot level. Since this was 9-12.5 feet above flood stage, the DRC dispatched a staff member to the scene.
flood threat, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, Southwest Texas, Rio Grande River