Evaluation Results of the Delaware Challenge Grant Project Lead Education Agency: Capital School District

Author(s)Giancola, Susan
Author(s)Noble, Audrey J.
Author(s)Ratkiewicz, Kevin J.
Date Accessioned2006-03-22T16:43:02Z
Date Available2006-03-22T16:43:02Z
Publication Date1999-08
DescriptionThe primary focus of this five-year evaluation is to provide information regarding how well the project has met its primary goals: -generating more time for learning; -increasing parent involvement in their child's education; -providing professional development for teachers and other school staff; -providing equitable access to technology and the information infrastructure; and -improving student learning.en
Extent295251 bytes
MIME typeapplication/pdf
PublisherDelaware Education Research & Development Centeren
Part of Series;T99-009.6
KeywordsChallenge Granten
KeywordsProfessional Developmenten
KeywordsParent Involvementen
TitleEvaluation Results of the Delaware Challenge Grant Project Lead Education Agency: Capital School Districten
TypeTechnical Reporten