A high-resolution radiation hybrid map of chicken chromosome 5 and comparison with human chromosomes

Author(s)Pitel, F.
Author(s)Abasht, Behnam
Author(s)Morisson, M.
Author(s)Crooijmans, R. P.
Author(s)Vignoles, F.
Author(s)Leroux, S.
Author(s)Feve, K.
Author(s)Bardes, S.
Author(s)Milan, D.
Author(s)Lagarrigue, S.
Author(s)Groenen, M. A.
Author(s)Douaire, M.
Author(s)Vignal, A.
Ordered AuthorPitel, F., Abasht, B., Morisson, M., Crooijmans, R. P., Vignoles, F., Leroux, S., Feve, K., Bardes, S., Milan, D., Lagarrigue, S., Groenen, M. A., Douaire, M., Vignal, A.
UD AuthorAbasht, Behnam
Date Accessioned2014-09-19T22:16:39Z
Date Available2014-09-19T22:16:39Z
Copyright DateCopyright © 2004 Pitel et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Publication Date2004
DescriptionFinal published versionen_US
AbstractThe resolution of radiation hybrid (RH) maps is intermediate between that of the genetic and BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) contig maps. Moreover, once framework RH maps of a genome have been constructed, a quick location of markers by simple PCR on the RH panel is possible. The chicken ChickRH6 panel recently produced was used here to construct a high resolution RH map of chicken GGA5. To confirm the validity of the map and to provide valuable comparative mapping information, both markers from the genetic map and a high number of ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) were used. Finally, this RH map was used for testing the accuracy of the chicken genome assembly for chromosome 5.en_US
DepartmentUniversity of Delaware. Department of Animal and Food Sciences.
CitationPitel, F., Abasht, B., Morisson, M., Crooijmans, R. P. M. A., Vignoles, F., Leroux, S., . . . Vignal, A. (2004). A high-resolution radiation hybrid map of chicken chromosome 5 and comparison with human chromosomes. BMC Genomics, 5 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-5-66
dc.languageEnglish (United States)
PublisherBioMed Centralen_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.
dc.sourceBMC Genomics
TitleA high-resolution radiation hybrid map of chicken chromosome 5 and comparison with human chromosomesen_US
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