School nurses: Researcher and clinician collaborations to address paediatric health inequities

Author(s)Covington, Lauren B.
Author(s)Hildick, Heidi
Author(s)Robinson, Anastasia
Author(s)Pennington, Mandy
Author(s)Mansi, Suzanne
Author(s)Ji, Xiaopeng
Author(s)Strang, Abigail
Author(s)Rani, Seema
Author(s)Robson, Shannon
Author(s)Lobo, Michele A.
Author(s)Cuffee, Yendelela
Author(s)Selekman, Janice
Author(s)Taherzadeh, Sanaz
Author(s)Carroll, Jill
Author(s)Covey, Ann
Author(s)Murray, Kenna
Author(s)Zimmerman, Chriss
Author(s)Horney, Jennifer A.
Author(s)Sowinski, Christine
Author(s)Patterson, Freda
Date Accessioned2023-11-29T14:20:46Z
Date Available2023-11-29T14:20:46Z
Publication Date2023-08-02
DescriptionThis is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Covington, L.B., Hildick, H., Robinson, A., Pennington, M., Mansi, S., Ji, X., Strang, A., Rani, S., Robson, S., Lobo, M.A., Cuffee, Y., Selekman, J., Taherzadeh, S., Carroll, J., Covey, A., Murray, K., Zimmerman, C., Horney, J.A., Sowinski, C. and Patterson, F. (2023), School nurses: Researcher and clinician collaborations to address paediatric health inequities. J Adv Nurs., which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited. © 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This publication will be embargoed until 08/02/2024.
AbstractSchool nurses are front-line paediatric public health providers who are eager and poised to address paediatric health inequities. They are tasked with remaining informed about current health issues (i.e. immunization updates, surges in emerging and reemerging illnesses, novel medications and side effects, etc.), but also the disparities that arise within different populations of students (Willgerodt et al., 2018). Further, school nurses are well-positioned to be advocates for the most vulnerable students at risk for health disparities and inequities. For example, school nurses are able to identify and advocate for students who experience food and housing insecurity, lack access to medical or dental care, and/or those who live in unstable or insecure environments (Gratz et al., 2021). School nurses bridge gaps that address lack of healthcare access for their students by making referrals to social workers, public health departments or statewide agencies. School nurses are truly community engaged—sharing with community members the top issues plaguing their students, as well as listening to and addressing priority health issues afflicting the community (Gratz et al., 2021; Willgerodt et al., 2018).
SponsorThe authors would like to thank all Delaware School Nurses who attended the Delaware Paediatric Affinity Group Dinner following Research Day on March 8, 2023. The dinner was funded by the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in cardiovascular health (P20GM113125) (Partial support awarded to Dr Freda Patterson).We also thank Dr. Heiddy DiGregorio, Dr. Elizabeth Orsega Smith and Ms. Cassandar Codes-Johnson for their critical review and feedback on the draft of this manuscript.
CitationCovington, L.B., Hildick, H., Robinson, A., Pennington, M., Mansi, S., Ji, X., Strang, A., Rani, S., Robson, S., Lobo, M.A., Cuffee, Y., Selekman, J., Taherzadeh, S., Carroll, J., Covey, A., Murray, K., Zimmerman, C., Horney, J.A., Sowinski, C. and Patterson, F. (2023), School nurses: Researcher and clinician collaborations to address paediatric health inequities. J Adv Nurs.
PublisherJournal of Advanced Nursing
TitleSchool nurses: Researcher and clinician collaborations to address paediatric health inequities
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