Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Sumner Welles, Washington.
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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Reports conversation with [José Manuel] Cortina, Foreign Minister; went to see him to discuss arrangements for U.S. Army officials to take pictures from air over Cuba in accord with conversations on defense measures; Cortina most cooperative in matters of this kind; he then spoke of loan; got impression he realized things weren't going as favorably as [Pedro] Martinez Fraga reported; Cortina thought negotiations might be facilitated if he knew on what points there was possibility of reaching agreement; he spoke of desirability of broad treaty covering longer range policy, particularly with respect to sugar and tobacco; he then mentioned defense measures, with broadest cooperation between Cuba and U.S.; Cortina intelligent and his approach to loan question more realistic than some others in Government; he is persuasive, but uncertain how much weight he carries with Batista; sees no objection to discussing matter with Cortina as long as its unofficial and does not interfere with negotiations in Washington; thinks Cortina should be encouraged in his idea of broad treaty with U.S.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.