Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Mrs. Sinclair Lewis, New York City.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Acknowledges telegram requesting information on Rumanian railway between Czechoslovakia and Russia and the meaning of the Austro-German agreement; letter amplifies cabled reply sent earlier through Herald-Tribune correspondent in Vienna; does not know just where connecting link [of railway line] will run; Rumanian government denies permission has been given for building the strip, but denial means nothing; Austria's major conditions, independence and non-immixtion, were met in the Austro-German agreement; Schuschnigg blamed by some for making the agreement, but he could do nothing else; agreement gives to Germany negotiating position with France and England, neutralizes Italy considerably; German objectives remain the same, and no faith can be placed in her agreements; League [of Nations] no longer influence to promote or enforce peace; battle for peace not yet lost, but prospects not good.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.