Data to Action Archive
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University of Delaware Center for Community Research and Service, Newark, DE
In the "Data to Action" webinar series (September 2021 thru July 2022), KIDS COUNT in Delaware worked to bring together leaders from across the state to engage in conversations - both grounded in data and informed by those working in the field - to advance collaboration towards positive outcomes for children and families. The goal of this series was to bring together leaders for conversation related to conditions for children given the ever changing environment related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Reviewing the most current data and research, panelists offered insight to conditions in which children are currently living as well as examined policy decisions which could be impactful during these times. The webinar series focused on health, education, economic security, and family and community measures. Conversations explored - through data and policy - how conditions highlighted due to COVID-19 intersect with social determinants of health. Lessons learned from this series were captured and disseminated via a coordinated set of issue briefs.
The archive includes (1) webinar recording link (2) issue brief (3) power point presentation and (3) supplemental materials when offered for each edition of the webinars in the year long series.