Short-Time Glassy Dynamics in Viscous Protein Solutions with Competing Interactions

The glass transition of colloidal dispersions interacting with both a short-ranged attraction and long-ranged repulsion is studied using highly purified lysozyme solutions. Newtonian liquid behavior is observed at all conditions while measurements of the dynamics in the short-time limit show features typical of glassy colloidal systems at high protein concentrations. This interesting behavior is due to the competition of the attraction and repulsion that produces a heterogeneous microstructure only at intermediate range length scales. The results demonstrate that theories for the macroscopic properties of systems with competing interactions need to include intermediate range order.
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Godfrin, P. Douglas, et al. "Short-Time Glassy Dynamics in Viscous Protein Solutions with Competing Interactions." Physical review letters 115.22 (2015): 228302.