Adults with lower-limb amputation: Reduced multifidi muscle activity and extensor muscle endurance is associated with worse physical performance

Author(s)Sions, Jaclyn M.
Author(s)Seth, Mayank
Author(s)Beisheim-Ryan, Emma H.
Author(s)Hicks, Gregory E.
Author(s)Pohlig, Ryan T.
Author(s)Horne, John R.
Date Accessioned2023-08-03T19:41:30Z
Date Available2023-08-03T19:41:30Z
Publication Date2023-05-24
DescriptionThis is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Sions, J.M., Seth, M., Beisheim-Ryan, E.H., Hicks, G.E., Pohlig, R.T. & Horne, J.R. (2023) Adults with lower-limb amputation: reduced multifidi muscle activity and extensor muscle endurance is associated with worse physical performance. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 1–11., which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited. © 2023 Scandinavian Society of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine. This article will be embargoed unitl 05/24/2024.
AbstractTrunk muscles may be an overlooked region of deficits following lower-limb amputation (LLA). This study sought to determine the extent that trunk muscle deficits are associated with physical function following amputation. Sedentary adults with a unilateral transtibial- (n = 25) or transfemoral-level (n = 14) amputation were recruited for this cross-sectional research study. Participants underwent a clinical examination that included ultrasound imaging of the lumbar multifidi muscles, the modified Biering-Sorensen Endurance Test (mBSET), and performance-based measures, that is, the Timed Up and Go (TUG), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and 10-m Walk Test (10mWT). Associations between trunk muscle metrics and performance were explored with regression modeling, while considering covariates known to impact performance postamputation (p ≤ 0.100). Average ultrasound-obtained, lumbar multifidi activity was 14% and 16% for transfemoral- and transtibial-level amputations, respectively, while extensor endurance was 37.34 and 12.61 s, respectively. For TUG, nonamputated-side multifidi activity and an interaction term (level x non-amputated-side multifidi activity) explained 9.4% and 6.2% of the total variance, respectively. For 10mWT, beyond covariates, non-amputated-side multifidi activity and the interaction term explained 6.1% and 5.8% of the total variance, respectively. For TUG, extensor endurance and an interaction term (level x mBSET) explained 11.9% and 8.3% of the total variance beyond covariates; for BBS and 10mWT, extensor endurance explained 11.2% and 17.2% of the total variance, respectively. Findings highlight deficits in lumbar multifidi activity and extensor muscle endurance among sedentary adults with a LLA; reduced muscle activity and endurance may be important factors to target during rehabilitation to enhance mobility-related outcomes.
SponsorEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R03HD088668; T32HD007490); National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (5P20GM103446); Foundation for Physical Therapy Research: Promotion of Doctoral Studies I and II Scholarships (Beisheim-Ryan); Independence Prosthetics-Orthotics, Inc.: Postdoctoral Researcher Fund. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the funding institutions.
CitationSions, J.M., Seth, M., Beisheim-Ryan, E.H., Hicks, G.E., Pohlig, R.T. & Horne, J.R. (2023) Adults with lower-limb amputation: reduced multifidi muscle activity and extensor muscle endurance is associated with worse physical performance. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 1–11.
PublisherClinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
Keywordsartificial limbs
Keywordslower extremity
Keywordsrecovery of function
Keywordswalking speed
TitleAdults with lower-limb amputation: Reduced multifidi muscle activity and extensor muscle endurance is associated with worse physical performance
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