Teacher Retention in the State of Delaware, 2001-2006
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The first part of the report examines various dimensions of teacher retention that are documented
for the period from 2001 through 2006. By the use of extensive tabular display, teacher retention
is reviewed by demographic characteristics for statewide and county comparisons. The second
part of the evaluation involves an exploratory statistical analysis of factors that would account
for newly hired teachers leaving public school teaching positions within the state from 2001
through 2006. This analysis allows for the separate and independent effect of each factor that is
assessed. The analysis compares teachers who have left their teaching position (leavers: nonretirees)
with teachers who have remained in their teaching position (stayers). Given the
increasing recognition that effective and experienced teachers are a key to successful student
achievement, this report provides a foundation for further consideration of retention rates and the
factors that are related to teachers remaining in teaching positions in Delaware’s public schools.
a collaboration publication among the College of Human Services, Education & Public Policy's Health Service Policy Research Group, Center for Community Research and Service, Center for Applied Demography and Survey Research, and Institute for Public Administration
teacher, retention, Delaware, schools, newly hired