No Wrong Door Client Satisfaction Survey
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Center for Community Development & Family Policy; College of Human Services, Education & Public Policy; University of Delaware
In March 1997, Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS) initiated a services
integration pilot project called "No Wrong Door" (NWD). Through a common screening and
intake process, staff work with clients to identify needs and make appropriate referrals for
services, regardless of the Division in which the services are offered. This process provides
access to services from any point of entry and promotes a holistic approach to addressing the
health and human service needs of Delaware's vulnerable families and individuals. NWD has
been piloted at the Hudson State Service Center in Newark and at the Williams State Service
Center and its satellite site, Carroll's Plaza, in Dover. All Department staff at those locations
participate and new clients (as well as those whose eligibility is being re-determined) who visit
those sites are offered the opportunity to go through the assessment interview and receive
referrals to other services they might need.
Delaware Department of Heath and Social Serivces, No Wrong Door, Social Services
Barnekov, T. (1999). No Wrong Door Client Satisfaction Survey. Newark, DE: Center for Community Development & Family Policy; College of Human Services, Education & Public Policy; University of Delaware.