Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Conversations going on in Geneva regarding Austrian independence; not much accomplished so far except reaffirmation of declaration by England, France, and Italy; increasing German influence in Yugoslavia which complicates Yuguslav-Italian relations; Hungary would like to be friendly with Austria, but fears Germany; [Koloman de] Kanya, Hungarian Foreign Minister, in Berlin recently and saw Hitler and other members of German government; obvious that Hungary still has revisionist hopes; King Alexander of Yugoslavia visited Hungary at same time as Goering; Poland openly courting Germany, but Czechoslovakia remains firm; if England, France, and Italy could present a common front and implement their declaration, the situation might be saved, but Italy and France must compose their differences before England will join them.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.