Multi-Layer Mechanical Model of Glagov Remodeling in Coronary Arteries: Differences between In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo Measurements

When blood vessels undergo remodeling because of the buildup of atherosclerotic plaque, it is thought that they first undergo compensatory or outward remodeling, followed by inward remodeling: the lumen area stays roughly constant or increases slightly and then decreases rapidly. The second phase of remodeling is supposed to start after the plaque burden exceeds about 40%. These changes in the vessel were first observed by S. Glagov who examined cross-sections of coronary arteries at different stages of the disease. In this paper, we use a mathematical model based on growth and elasticity theory to verify the main aspects of Glagov's result. However, both our model and curve-fitting to the data suggest that the critical stenosis is around 20% rather than 40%. Our model and data from the PROSPECT trial also show that Glagov remodeling is qualitatively different depending on whether measurements are taken ex-vivo or in-vivo. Our results suggest that the first outward phase of "Glagov remodeling" is largely absent for in-vivo measurements: that is, the lumen area always decreases as plaque builds up. We advocate that care must be taken when infering how in-vivo vessels remodel from ex-vivo data.
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Fok, P. (2016). Multi-layer mechanical model of glagov remodeling in coronary arteries: Differences between in-vivo and ex-vivo measurements. Plos One, 11(7), e0159304. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159304