Institutional Repository

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Recent Submissions

Evaluation of Flexural Performance of Slab Bridges in the Pacific Northwest Region Subjected to Long-Duration Earthquake Events
(International Journal of Civil Infrastructure, 2024-08-08) Obayes, Shaymaa; Head, Monique
While previous studies have explored bridge vulnerabilities, there is a notable gap in assessing the susceptibility of existing bridges, particularly slab bridges, to long-duration earthquakes in seismically active regions. This study uniquely quantifies and evaluates the impact of a moment magnitude (MW) 9.0 earthquake, characterized by its long duration, on the incipient collapse risk of slab bridges in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region of the United States. The assessment includes potential flexural failures in slab bridge columns and the associated collapse risk. A slab bridge is modeled in OpenSees for case studies to determine vulnerability and incipient collapse risk through fragility analyses and a risk-targeted approach in accordance with the 2023 AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design. The study emphasizes the consequences of outdated seismic design standards, particularly for slab bridges constructed before the 1990s. Moreover, the findings reveal that long-duration earthquakes significantly increase the collapse risk of aging slab bridges built before the 1990s.
Effects of Chitin Nano-flake Fillers on the Mechanical and Barrier Properties of Polylactic Acid Biocomposite Films
(BioResources, 2024-08-16) Kwon, Soojin; Kim, Sang Yun; Oh, Kyudeok; Han, Jung Soo
Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable polymer extensively used in packaging; however, its mechanical and barrier properties require enhancement for wider applications. Chitin-derived nanoflakes (CNFL), a two-dimensionally separated nanomaterial derived from α-chitin, possess high strength and toughness, making them ideal additives for improved PLA performance. This study investigated the effect of CNFL on the properties of PLA composite films. Incorporating CNFL significantly enhanced the mechanical properties of PLA, increasing its tensile strength and stiffness while preserving flexibility. This enhancement was attributed to the nucleating effect of CNFL, which increases crystallinity. Additionally, CNFL improved the thermal stability of the composite films by mitigating thermal deformation. Notably, the oxygen barrier properties of CNFL-filled PLA composites were also enhanced, demonstrating a significant reduction in oxygen permeability at optimal CNFL concentrations due to increased tortuosity of the oxygen diffusion path. Overall, CNFL-filled PLA composites exhibit great potential as renewable packaging materials, particularly for protecting sensitive products, such as food and pharmaceuticals, from oxidative degradation, thereby extending shelf life and maintaining quality. These findings suggest that CNFL-filled PLA composites are promising materials for advanced applications, offering a combination of enhanced mechanical performance, improved thermal stability, and superior oxygen barrier properties.
Size-dependent effects of dams on river ecosystems and implications for dam removal outcomes
(Ecological Applications, 2024-08-13) Brown, Rebecca L.; Charles, Don; Horwitz, Richard J.; Pizzuto, James E.; Skalak, Katherine; Velinsky, David J.; Hart, David D.
Understanding the relationship between a dam's size and its ecological effects is important for prioritization of river restoration efforts based on dam removal. Although much is known about the effects of large storage dams, this information may not be applicable to small dams, which represent the vast majority of dams being considered for removal. To better understand how dam effects vary with size, we conducted a multidisciplinary study of the downstream effect of dams on a range of ecological characteristics including geomorphology, water chemistry, periphyton, riparian vegetation, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish. We related dam size variables to the downstream–upstream fractional difference in measured ecological characteristics for 16 dams in the mid-Atlantic region ranging from 0.9 to 57 m high, with hydraulic residence times (HRTs) ranging from 30 min to 1.5 years. For a range of physical attributes, larger dams had larger effects. For example, the water surface width below dams was greater below large dams. By contrast, there was no effect of dam size on sediment grain size, though the fraction of fine-grained bed material was lower below dams independently of dam size. Larger dams tended to reduce water quality more, with decreased downstream dissolved oxygen and increased temperature. Larger dams decreased inorganic nutrients (N, P, Si), but increased particulate nutrients (N, P) in downstream reaches. Aquatic organisms tended to have greater dissimilarity in species composition below larger dams (for fish and periphyton), lower taxonomic diversity (for macroinvertebrates), and greater pollution tolerance (for periphyton and macroinvertebrates). Plants responded differently below large and small dams, with fewer invasive species below large dams, but more below small dams. Overall, these results demonstrate that larger dams have much greater impact on the ecosystem components we measured, and hence their removal has the greatest potential for restoring river ecosystems.
Superstructure optimization for management of low-density polyethylene plastic waste
(Green Chemistry, 2024-08-14) Hernández, Borja; Vlachos, Dionisios G.; Ierapetritou, Marianthi G.
We introduce a systematic framework centered on superstructure optimization to identify the most efficient economic and environmentally friendly approach for managing plastic waste. Applying the proposed framework to low-density-polyethylene (LDPE) plastic waste, we determine that pyrolysis is the most profitable technology followed by hydroformylation to C4–C8 olefins, and the oligomerization of higher carbon olefins. Coupling the results with geographical information, the selected superstructure has the potential to improve the economics of plastic waste management by approximately $3 per kgLDPE in countries like the United States. On the other hand, the lowest CO2 emission plastic waste management uses solvent-based recycling only when there is significant degradation during mechanical recycling. When plastic waste can be recycled mechanically more than five times, the emissions in mechanical recycling are lower. These technologies collectively contribute to emissions reductions ranging from 1.5 and 3 kgCO2eq. per kgLDPE, for mechanical and solvent-based recycling, respectively.
Scaling of Ion Bulk Heating in Magnetic Reconnection Outflows for the High-Alfvén-speed and Low-β Regime in Earth's Magnetotail
(The Astrophysical Journal, 2024-08-14) Øieroset, M.; Phan, T. D.; Drake, J. F.; Starkey, M.; Fuselier, S. A.; Cohen, I. J.; Haggerty, C. C.; Shay, M. A.; Oka, M.; Gershman, D. J.
We survey 20 reconnection outflow events observed by Magnetospheric MultiScale in the low-β and high-Alfvén-speed regime of the Earth's magnetotail to investigate the scaling of ion bulk heating produced by reconnection. The range of inflow Alfvén speeds (800–4000 km s−1) and inflow ion β (0.002–1) covered by this study is in a plasma regime that could be applicable to the solar corona and flare environments. We find that the observed ion heating increases with increasing inflow (upstream) Alfvén speed, VA, based on the reconnecting magnetic field and the upstream plasma density. However, ion heating does not increase linearly as a function of available magnetic energy per particle, . Instead, the heating increases progressively less as rises. This is in contrast to a previous study using the same data set, which found that electron heating in this high-Alfvén-speed and low-β regime scales linearly with , with a scaling factor nearly identical to that found for the low-VA and high-β magnetopause. Consequently, the ion-to-electron heating ratio in reconnection exhausts decreases with increasing upstream VA, suggesting that the energy partition between ions and electrons in reconnection exhausts could be a function of the available magnetic energy per particle. Finally, we find that the observed difference in ion and electron heating scaling may be consistent with the predicted effects of a trapping potential in the exhaust, which enhances electron heating, but reduces ion heating.