Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. To Dean Acheson, Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
La Nación of Apr. 15 carried article, reproduced from New York Times, in which accurate mention was made of details of conversation in White House between President Truman and Ambassador [Oscar] Ivanissevich; was informed by Department conversation was off the record and Foreign Minister and Ivanissevich understood as much; is certain information for press did not come from Argentina; neither Foreign Minister nor President Perón particularly concerned, but they are puzzled as to how information reached press; entertained at luncheon on Apr. 15 for Winthrop Aldrich and Mrs. Aldrich; Aldrich in Buenos Aires in his capacity as President of International Chamber of Commerce; President and Mrs. Perón, Foreign Minister, Ivanissevic, and other members of Government guests; had few minutes talk with Perón before luncheon; he was appreciative of action by President Truman; he was pleased that U.S. recognized that Argentine Government in matter of alien institutions and alien property had carried through its task fully, and gave assurance,that his Government was doing everything in its power to apprehend the remaining enemy aliens in Argentina; some of these have no doubt slipped out of Argentina into Chile and Brazil where there are large German colonies and may never be found; sees no reason for putting more pressure on Argentine Government, since it is already doing everything possible; time now to acknowledge good faith of the Argentine and resolve situation.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.