Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. To James F. Byrnes, Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Tendency evident on part of U.S. press to refer to Argentine Government as totalitarian, Fascist, and Nazi; the "5-year plan" and "directed economy" are interpreted as a slap at private enterprize; has been in Argentina five months and has had many conversations with Perón; he is very intelligent, and so far seems well intentioned and sincere; he has declared he intends to govern constitutionally and that he desires to collaborate fully with U.S. and the other American countries; nothing his government has done so far indicates anything to the contrary; some of the economic measures, such as export controls, seem unwise, but Perón insists they are only temporary and will be removed as soon as possible; his "5-year plan", he says, is only a departure point; it is not inflexible, and includes governmental and social reforms as well as economic reforms; Britain has gone much further than Argentina toward a "directed economy," but little is said of it; Perón has declared that there will be no expropriation of private property, either domestic or foreign, but private enterprize would be encouraged and protected; U.S. would be making great mistake to allow prejudice and past ill feeling stand in way of resuming normal relations with Argentina.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.