[Messersmith, G.S.], Havana. To Laurence Duggan, Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Comments on speech [Getulio Dornelles] Vargas is reported to have made night following Roosevelt's radio address immediately after Italy's entrance into war; the fact that Brazil has many Germans and Italians and Vargas a dictator does not justify such a speech; in despatch no. 369 mentioned danger of dictators in Latin American countries; working on Cuban obligations in America and there is ground for hope; Assembly still working on some of the articles of the constitution, trying to change worst of them; aside from moratorium article not as bad as it might have been, thoughtit is really a Code of Laws rather than a Constitution; has written [Sumner] Welles regarding meeting of Foreign Ministers in Havana on Oct. 1 and [Miguel Angel] Campa's interest in it; meeting desirable as it might clear up some situations, but U.S. should be taking initiative; in P.S., comments Vargas not only thinking of personal interests but of economic factors such as European markets; he should be reminded that U.S. is best customer of Brazil, but would rather do without coffee unless Brazil plays fair.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.