Messersmith, G.S. Memorandum to Secretary [Cordell Hull] with copies to Undersecretary [Sumner Welles], [James Clement] Dunn, [Jay Pierrepont] Moffat, and [Herbert] Feis.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Appended memorandum missing. Comments on memorandum appended to despatch No. 469 from Berlin Embassy covering conversation of [Donald C.] Heath of the Embassy with [Hjalmar] Schacht; statements of Schacht a mixture of truth and misrepresentation characteristic of him; Schacht a complex character; has known him well over several years; Schacht one of cleverest, most resourceful, and at same time most unscrupulous bankers in world today; dominating characteristic is ambition to play great role; his contempt for Americans - and particularly American bankers, openly expressed; he has no sympathy for Nazis but has become their mouthpiece and puppet only to hold his position; now relegated to secondary position, he is bitter; his statement that if he could sit down with Secretary Hull they could quickly find a way out of their difficulties means nothing; he has no power to act on his own.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.