[Geist, Raymond H.], Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Penciled at botton "Raymond Geist." Observers in Berlin consider German foreign policy led astray; neither Japanese alliance nor Italian friendship can bring any good to German people; raw material shortage serious; effort made for commercial arrangement with Russia in order to get ores, but after Hitler's campaign against Communism Russia will not do business with Germany; hold on countries of Southeast Europe slipping; principal themes harped on at present by regime are the Bolshevik menace and restoration of German colonies; position of Jews difficult because of measures enacted by regime, but the masses of German people are not anti-Semitic; not realized in Germany that campaign against Communism has not aroused other nations; danger in apparent agreement between Germany and Italy to aid and abet Fascist factions in other countries; some Nazi leaders urging action toward the east, believing another fait accompli will not precipitate major crisis; doubts Germany will risk it at present; establishment of totalitarian government in Germany aroused little opposition among German people; they do not see relationship between their form of government and their present economic difficulties; Hitler becoming more and more the "Sovereign" with tendency to relinquish direct management of affairs; [Hermann] Goering assuming more the duties of Chancellor; radical elements in Party being isolated within respective spheres of activity; Foreign Office now has more to say in councils of state since Germany's debut on international stage; some of rank and file in Germany fear war is imminent, but well informed people do not anticipate it in near future; policy toward Russia will probably change; disagreement in the councils of state as to expediency of antagonizing Russia; Nazis have not learned how to fight Communism without attacking Soviet Union.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.