Dodd, William E., [Berlin]. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Sorry Messersmith has not been well; has been "under the weather" also, but can expect no relief from any German "cure"; Messersmith's report on Oberländer-von Steuben business excellent; had arrived at same conclusion as Messersmith; von Steuben visitors to Germany this year did harm everywhere they went; Hoffman made two speeches which affronted every American present; Embassy sent report which may have some effect in Washington; said in brief speech that propaganda one of the errors of our times; Judge [Julius W.] Mack will tell Messersmith facts about situation; Mussolini's plans seem favorably regarded in Germany; doubts Mussolini will go through with plan and risk eclipsing himself, leaving only one Napoleon I in Europe.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.