Load rating of the Indian River Inlet Bridge using a structural health monitoring system

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University of Delaware
As the average age of our transportation infrastructure increases, it becomes critical that the methods for identifying changes and evaluating the structural integrity of the bridge be both robust and accurate. Structural health monitoring can provide great benefits to the inspection and evaluation process by providing quantifiable data that can be used to identify changes in the structure and determine the condition of the structure. In this research, the strain data obtained from the structural health monitoring system on the Indian River Inlet Bridge was used to both create an accurate finite element model of the bridge as well as to load rate the critical element of the bridge, the west edge girder. Three load tests were performed in order to establish the baseline response of the bridge and to develop a finite element model. A parametric study of the model was performed to evaluate the sensitivity of the model to changes in structural parameters such as concrete strength, effective width of the edge girder deck section, and boundary conditions. A load rating on the west edge girder was performed incorporating the load test data and compared to a load rating based on the finite element model results. Based on the load test, a load rating adjustment factor of 1.14 was calculated, showing a possible increase of 14% over the purely analytical load rating. This research works to increase the base of knowledge of structural health monitoring systems used for load rating and, specifically, serves as an important example of long term monitoring of stay cable bridges.