Messersmith, G.S.

Author(s)Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
Date Accessioned2011-06-15T18:38:42Z
Date Available2011-06-15T18:38:42Z
Publication Date2011-06-15
DescriptionDiscusses character of Venezuelan dictator [Juan Vicente] Gomez; he had been in power for several years before Messersmith went to Curaçao; on arrival at Curaçao found hundreds of Venezuelan refugees there, most of them without means of livelihood; people of Curaçao might want to help them, but they had to do business with Venezuela and feared retaliatory measures by Gomez; took Spanish lessons from one of refugees and saw that he got one good meal a day and was able to provide food for some of the others; had not been able to visit Venezuela during stay in Curaçao, and on departure decided to take steamer from New York when it stopped at Curaçao on way to La Guaira; steamer usually stayed in port three days which would have given the Messersmiths time for visit to Caracas, but on arrival at La Guaira they were not permitted to disembark on orders from Gomez; Gomez had his revenge on the one man in Curaçao who had dared to be kind to the Venezuelan refugees.en_US
Physical MediumTyped Document, 4 p.en_US
CollectionMSS 109en_US
Other Identifier1940-00en_US
PublisherUniversity of Delaware Library, Museums and Pressen_US
KeywordsMessersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
TitleMessersmith, G.S.en_US
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