Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. Despatch No. 1850 to Secretary of State [George C. Marshall], Washington.

Author(s)Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
Temporal1947 February 13en_US
Date Accessioned2011-06-15T18:35:25Z
Date Available2011-06-15T18:35:25Z
Publication Date1947-02-13en_US
DescriptionEnclosures: See Nos. 1847-1849. Summarizes Argentine performance to date under its inter-American commitments in field of enemy aliens who committed acts against the State or the United Nations; some on the proscribed list already deported, some were voluntarily repatriated, some detained awaiting deportation, a few have gone to other countries, and a few are at large, but Government making every effort to locate them; believes Argentine Government has shown good faith in matter of compliance and the sooner U.S. recognizes this and resumes normal relations the better for everybody concerned; encloses lists of names of aliens and the action taken in each case.en_US
Physical MediumTyped Document Copy, 6 p.en_US
CollectionMSS 109en_US
Other Identifier1846-00en_US
PublisherUniversity of Delaware Library, Museums and Pressen_US
KeywordsMessersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
TitleMessersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. Despatch No. 1850 to Secretary of State [George C. Marshall], Washington.en_US
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