Messersmith, G.S.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Had just returned to Vienna from holiday in U.S. when telegram from Secretary Cordell Hull arrived requesting Messersmith to return to U.S. as soon as possible to assume duties as Assistant Secretary of State in charge of administration of Department and of the Foreign Service; had no desire to work in Department or live in Washington, but if President and Secretary thought Messersmith could serve better there, had no choice but to comply; on arriving in Washington had long conversation with Hull on needed reorganization in Department; Hull indicated Messersmith's duties would be not only administrative but that he would have political functions as well, particularly in Western and Southeastern European areas; suggested to Hull that there should be closer collaboration between Department of State and other agencies of government in formulation and execution of foreign policy; Hull agreed idea should be considered; saw President following day and had long conversation with him; Messersmith had followed administrative practices of Department closely and realized he had a considerable task ahead of him.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.