Messersmith, G.S.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Relates incident of visit of Lord [Waldorf] Astor and two members of Parliament to Berlin in connection with Christian Science Churches; by Government orders Christian Science Churches in Germany had been closed and their property confiscated; Astor and his companions had been waiting several days trying to see [Louis] Franck, Minister who had charge of such affairs, but apparently their Ambassador had been unable to arrange it; [Reuben Henry] Markham, correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor suggested that they see Messersmith; they came reluctantly, not thinking Messersmith could help; called Franck's office and was connected with him immediately; told him Lord Astor, owner of the London Times, and two important members of parliament wished to see him; he agreed to see them at once; they seemed amazed that the American Consul General could accomplish in a few minutes what their own Ambassador had been unable to do; could not say to them German authorities had more respect for American Consulate and Embassy than for British Embassy because Americans were taking strong measures to protect their subjects and their interests, and strong measures were all they understand; told them Christian Science Churches would probably be allowed to open again at their request, for Germany still needed England's good will and wanted to lull her into sense of security, but it would not mean the Nazis had changed their radical policies; papers that afternoon announced Christian Science Churches had been reopened and their property returned; about a year later Nazi government, feeling itself so strong and caring less about Britain, simply closed the Churches again and took their property.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.